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What Is Hula Hoop Fit?

What Is Hula Hoop Fit?


Hula hoop fit is a signature created and designed community of likeminded women who want to learn and spin a hula hoop for the benefit of health, fitness, healing and build core strength ability.


Kristy has constructed her unique membership around her life journey in order to guide others and help them succeed in their fitness and healing goals so that you to, can have a natural healing modality through the connected energy of your own body to the healing of the hoops momentum, to create a natural synergy that produces a combined effect greater than the separate effects of exterior alternatives.


Through a build up each day of momentum both from the inside and, out you will have the opportunity to build stamina, loose weight, ignite a more positive outlook on life and create a more powerful connection to your own body through the use of movement and flow.


With Kristys coaching and expertise you will have the right guidance and support in order to succeed in this area.

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Who Is Kristy And Why Hula Hooping?

8 years ago, Kristy decided she would change her life for the better. Coming out of a 19 year, alcohol addiction, she ended up finding her hope through hooping. Not knowing what a hula hoop was at the time, except for when she was a young child playing in the play ground, much like we all remember. So she took to Google and researched what hooping was.


Her first vision was a hula hoop dancer on YouTube, dancing and playing with a hoop like she had never seen before. 

The beauty and flow she seen within this hoop girl inspired her and ignited the passion to source her own hoop and begin this new found journey. She then attempted to make her first hoop out of poly pipe and dowel with some nails, failed on several occasions but with laughter and fun in the meantime. It wasn’t until she had found herself a weighted hoop and her magic began. 


Without the guidance of a coach there was some bruising and intense pain in her abdomen that occurred as she persisted daily to keep this circular object spinning, trying hard to keep the momentum more than 3 times around her waist before dropping to the ground. 

With out the desire to drink alcohol, she managed to focus her dedication to mastering this technique instead. 

2 weeks in which seemed a lifetime for Kristy, but this was a huge achievement as she removed the towel she used to wrap around her waist to soften the blow to her existing bruises, she stood tall and finally gained ‘connection’ within her hoop. 

From that day, Kristy has been hula hooping daily, with short breaks in-between like having babies and working, but has consistently continued spinning the love inside her hoops. 


In her first 3 months noticed a dramatic loss of 9 kg’s in weight, it was then she had decided not to keep this unique workout a secret. Within 18 months, Kristy had lost an astounding 22kg’s. Kristy dedicated herself the time and studied the art of hooping, soon graduating from an intense Hoop Coach program and becoming certified in coaching hula hooping and her certificate 3 in Fitness. 


This journey then led Kristy down the path to making and selling her own beautifully designed, standard, fitness and weighted hoops that have been made and filled with love and healing intentions for women all over Australia for 7 years, no matter what part of your journey you are at, this helps heal you in such a profound form of energy and mindset from within.


The love and passion Kristy has for helping other women begin their own journey inside the hula hoop, is driven by her own experience of hope through her hooping, her road to recovery, her journey to the life of healing and love she can now offer others.

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SUPPORT Inside the group you can expect to join the support of other women on a like minded journey where you can catch Kristy for maximum effect or catch up in your own time. Either way you will be surrounded by a support network.

Keep Fit

KEEP FIT Through a suitable starting point to planning a goal, hula hooping will keep you fit as you add this to your lifestyle. Keeping fit is easy with a hoop as you can uniquely construct the momentum to the pace you feel comfortable through the whole process.


HEAL Fun, creative energy is one of the best ways to heal from the inside out. Not only will you look amazing, your mindset will also start to take on new found energetics that allow you to grow and evolve in a way that you can inject back into your daily lifestyle.

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Ready To Get Started?


Kristy has uniquely designed and created a healing workout guide to help and assist others to help them stay focused on their achievements. You can join Kristy live 3 times a week in a private group for her signature workouts, interviews with her world recognised professional coach team plus one on one advice and support.

Sign up below and give it a try.


"Fitness Fun For Everyone"

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Kylie Cooper

Victoria, Australia

I brought a custom made hoop off Kristy which really inspired me to learn to use a hula hoop. I really enjoy grabbing it for 20 mins each day to keep my body moving so I am not sitting all day. Her teachings have been very beneficial to my health. 

Petrea Edwards

Queensland, Australia

Love my hooping class. Smile the class away with music and exercise. Best exercise class and I’m always sad it’s over. I highly recommend Kristy’s hula hooping class.

Tilly Lace

Victoria, Australia

I have always found exercise hard to stick to until I met Kristy. Now that I have worked out how to get into a meditative state when I am intuitively hooping thanks to her teachings. Love my hoop colour I got made as well, really lights me up!

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